Waiting for his big dream (a film role) to come true, Pablo works as a training actor in a patient-care programme at a medical faculty and a paid participant in group therapy sessions. To make ends meet, he sublets a room in his apartment in a suburb of Santiago de Chile. However, he seems to have lost control when his housemate departs, leaving him with rent arrears, a collection of plants, a dog, a woolly jumper, and... a house ghost. Pablo is 30, and when it comes to romance he is also chasing apparitions. He is secretly still in love with his ex-boyfriend, a popular YouTuber.

Release Date : Jan 26, 2022

Genres : ,

Production Company : Niña Niño Films

Production Countries : Chile

Original Language : Español

Casts : Juan Cano, Ingrid Isensee, Violeta Castillo, Fernanda Toledo, Fernando Castillo, Yasmin Ludueñas, Natalia Grez, Ernesto Meléndez, Alicia Scherson, Tomás Abalo

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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