Echo of the Mountain takes a look at the life and work of Santos de la Torre, a great Huichol artist who, like his people, lives in oblivion. Despite having made a great mural for the metro station Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre, Santos lives isolated and ignored in his country. This documentary follows his pilgrimage to Wirikuta, where he asks gods for permission to make a new mural; his journey across 385 miles of the Peyote Route, and Santos's creative process during the making of a new mural which aims to illustrate the history, mythology and religious traditions of the Huichol people.

Release Date : Jun 11, 2015

Genres :

Production Company : Cuadro Negro, Ithaca, Piano

Production Countries : United States of America, Mexico

Original Language : Español, Français

Casts : Santos de la Torre

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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