Three brothers, Saipul, Jamal and Marwan were forced to get along again to pay off their father's hospital bill. With their determination, they decided to steal a TV from an empty house. Until suddenly the owner of the house who turned out to be a mafia boss came home. Panic peaked, now they were not only the perpetrators of the theft, but also witnesses to a shocking event!

Release Date : Dec 19, 2024

Genres : , ,

Production Company : Starvision Plus, Pabrik Cerita

Production Countries : Indonesia

Original Language : Bahasa indonesia

Casts : Gading Marten, Tarra Budiman, Fatih Unru, Bucek Depp, Sahila Hisyam, Gisella Anastasia, Gempita Nora Marten, Mike Lucock, Prisia Nasution, Sadana Agung, Coki Anwar

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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